[TYPO3-core] Change procedure revisited

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Nov 21 22:08:07 CET 2011

Hi Jigal,

> AFAIK the latest procedure was to push it to master first and after it
> was merged the poor guy/girl who couldn't resist pushing the the submit
> button has to port it to the next lower branch.
> Judging from comments in Gerrit this procedure is not clear, because
> some think that it should be pushed to all branches simultaneously, some
> think the committer has to keep track and backport, etc.

AFAIK this is basically correct, but not with regards to people 
involved. Last time I asked I was told that a patch should be submitted 
to master first, then be back-ported to lower branches only once the 
master version has been submitted.

However this back-port can be done by anyone who cares to do it, but 
must not absolutely be the committer as far as I understand the 
situation. This is why (at least in part) Ernesto created his script 
that gives an overview of what has been committed on which branch:


The whole process is actually written down here:


but maybe we need some kind of bullet points executive summary, with 
just the operations to perform but not the actual commands.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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