[TYPO3-core] How to set up Git GUI client with SSH-RSA key on Windows

Steffen Gebert steffen.gebert at typo3.org
Thu Jun 2 10:46:29 CEST 2011

> I configured the repo/git locally to push
> to gerrit, not to the original repo.

Just check with `git remote show origin` (or whatever your remote is, if 
it's not origin), if the Push URL is correct. Should be 

> Any hint how to push 2 commits to the remote repo?
git log origin/<release-branch>..
shows, which commits would be pushed. It's no problem to push multiple 
commits at once. However, the newer depends on the older one. If this is 
not desired, you have to checkout master after the first commit.

If you push them together, Gerrit starts the review process for each of 

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member

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