[TYPO3-core] hardcoded typo3 directory

Bernd Wilke t3ng at pi-phi.tk
Thu Jul 21 09:16:52 CEST 2011

On 07/21/2011 08:14 AM, Tomasz Krawczyk wrote:
> What can I do to have chapter "Changing the default “typo3/” directory"
> removed?
> What can we do to kindly suggest core and extension developers to use
> defined constants?

make a good promotion for these constants, so any extension author has 
heard of them!

include examples in the code of the kickstarter!

make sure some older versions include all of these constants (maybe in 
the next bugfix-version), so older installations can use actual 
extensions which are based on these constants.

there are a lot of good features inside of TYPO3, but sometimes you need 
good luck to find them.
or a good teacher/tutorial/book
or much experience

just my opinion.


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