[TYPO3-core] i missed the dummy package

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Tue Jul 5 20:40:03 CEST 2011


On 5-7-2011 18:13, Ralf-Rene Schröder wrote:
> just today i realized that the dummy-package isn't availible anymore
> i missed it realy, because with this it was easy to setup a symlink
> installation with a simple script

There are several packages available which seem to me to cover the 
entire range:
- Introduction Package: symlinked (tar.gz) and without symlinks (zip) 
(TYPO3 4.5 and later)
- Source: tar.gz and zip (only typo3_src.x.x.8 directory)
- Blank Package: symlinked (tar.gz) and without symlinks (zip)

> sure i can extract the dummy myself
> but in the past i can give away the install script and the user could be
> sure that all downloaded material comes direct from the TYPO3 Homepage...
> another way is to use an old dummy, but "using 4.5 source withe a 4.3
> dummy" this isn't looking very good for the users

Source + dummy = Blank Package, so why do you need the Dummy actually?

If there is a good use case for it, the release managers might be 
convinced to recreate it.

Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert.

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