[TYPO3-core] RFC #17065: Use Swift Mailer in core (was: Swift Mailer Adapter does not support file attachment and nested MIME parts)

Georg Ringer mail at ringerge.org
Fri Jan 21 11:55:50 CET 2011


Am 20.01.2011 16:52, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> Instead of making the adapter support all mail features and oddities
> it's better to use Swift Mailer directly and motivate extension
> developers to do so also.

I don't know if that is the best way to go. Maybe one time we change to
another mail tool and then we have to adobt again all places in the core.

Why not using t3lib_utility_Mail::mail once and ever and it would be a
single place to change later on.


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