[TYPO3-core] RFC #16971: Improve ExtDirect error handling

Stefan Galinski stefan.galinski at gmail.com
Thu Jan 20 01:00:25 CET 2011

Steffen Kamper wrote:

>> This can happen while filtering the new pagetree and it returns a really
>> huge set of found pages. In reality this shouldn't occur often, but it's
>> possible to get a timeout.
> yes, and then there is "no" result, a real timeout happened and can be
> reported. Imho timeout is readable in the request too.

Hi Steffen,

The following patch takes your comments into account and only shows the 
flash message if there isn't a backtrace attached to the response. This 
means that the response wasn't build on the server and we really had a 
timeout without useful informations. I cannot check the response value as 
this is set by ExtJS always. If you still veto the patch, we must drop it as 
I don't know another solution.

The sense of this patch is to show a useful and readable error message to 
the simple user if there are no useful other informations.

Stefan Galinski
staatl. geprüfter Informatiktechniker
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