[TYPO3-core] RFC #16926: database isn't updated during workspace-migration wizard

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed Jan 19 21:43:47 CET 2011

François Suter schrieb am 18.01.2011 18:11:
> Hi,
>> Problem:
>> When the workspaces migration wizard runs though eg. the
>> "sys_workspace_stage" table might not exists and should be created
>> during the upgrade-process.
>> Solution:
>> The attached patch utilized t3lib_install and generates the required
>> "add", "change" and "create_table" statements and applies them
>> automatically.
> Here's v3 which works fine with me. It makes use of the new extension
> installation API introduced in #17114, so it must be tested in
> conjunction with that RFC (which - primarily - resolves the problem of
> properly installing extensions which I raised in another thread). So
> you'll have to test this v3 with the patch from #17114 applied.
> I'm not sure if I'm still allowed to vote on this version, but I'm +1
> anyway ;-)

Using the method from the EM to install an extension (enableExtension())
already calls a forceDBupdates() at the end, so the whole part of
parsing ext_tables.sql and applying those changes is not needed anymore
(the intro package does the same).

Which simplifies this patch a lot. :)

But then: the forceDBupdates from enableExtension() is not working
correctly yet because it gets a wrong argument (no $extInfo). I already
contacted Steffen to get that fixed.

As soon as it is fixed, the patch from this issue should be something
like attached v4.

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