[TYPO3-core] RFC #16983: Bug: 16983: getViewDomain returns "http://" when called with id = 0 and existing sys_domain rec -> "Generate Workspace Preview Link" broken

Andreas Kiessling kiessling at pluspol.info
Mon Jan 17 10:34:59 CET 2011


this is a SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=16983

Branches: 4-4, probably trunk


The bug will probably only be seen in the "old" workspace module when 
the button "Generate Workspace Preview Link" is used.
With 0009508 the API method t3lib_BEfunc::getViewDomain($this->id) is 
used to determine the right domain for the preview link for a whole 
workspace (previously: TYPO3_SITE_URL). This works only if $this->id is 
 > 0 like described in the param documentation or no domain record is 
configured. Since that module is not in the "web"-area, there is no page 
tree and so no id. -> id = 0

Effects of calling getViewDomain with id = 0:
If parameter $rootline is also not used, the function BEgetRootLine is 
called and creates some "fake" rootline for id = 0
If you have a domain record configured, the next check for 
getDomainStartPage returns true, but with the faked rootline, there will 
be no "firstDomainRecord" and so the $domain is overwritten with a blank 

Solution: only try to resolve the domain from domain records if the id 
is > 0, otherwise just return the TYPO3_SITE_URL

How to reproduce: open workspace module in 4.4.6 / 4.4 trunk and 
generate a preview link. There must also exist a domain record for the 
your current host.

You will get something like this: 
http://index.php/?ADMCMD_prev=316906209b748eafb0eb631a57b3450f&id=0 [^]

Apply the patch, and you will get: 

To fix that particular case, the patch only needs to go to 4.4, but it 
would probably not hurt in 4.5 either.

Already has a +1 on testing from Michael Voehringer

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