[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bug #16919: Catalan flag is replaced by Canadian flag

Alexandre Gravel-Raymond a.gravel-raymond at alienor.net
Thu Jan 13 11:19:36 CET 2011

Hi !
A reminder for this little issue ...

By the way, I forgot to add the patch to the original mail (it is on 
Mantis : http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=16919) so here it is.

Alexandre Gravel-Raymond

Le 05/01/2011 20:03, Jigal van Hemert a écrit :
> Hi,
> On 5-1-2011 14:49, Alexandre Gravel-Raymond wrote:
>> In the new Extension Manager, in the Translation Handling tab, the flag
>> representing the Catalan language is the Canadian flag. It should be the
>> flag of Catalonia.
>> Solution:
>> The reason for this is that the Catalan and Canadian flags do not
>> respect the implicit naming convention of flags :
>> Until now, all flags that correspond to a language are named like this :
>> "[ISO code].png" and "[ISO code]-overlay.png".
>> All flags that do not correspond to a language (i.e. Wales or European
>> Union) are named like this : "[Country or region name].png" and [Country
>> or region name]-overlay.png".
> Also in the static_languages table Catalan has lg_iso_2:CA, lg_typo3:ca,
> lg_collate_locale:ca_ES. So it is logical to name the flag also 'ca'.
>> But the Catalan flag is named "catalonia.png" even if it correspond to a
>> language and the Canadian flag is named "ca.png" (CA being the country
>> iso-code but there is indeed no such thing as a Canadian language).
> Recently Canadian French was added as language and this received the
> language code 'qc'. (Slightly related as this is the only Canadian
> "language" in the current system)
> +1 by reading.

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