[TYPO3-core] RFC Bug #16966: be_layout setting "none" is not working and be_layout should not be inherited automatically

Jigal van Hemert jigal at xs4all.nl
Tue Jan 11 21:58:22 CET 2011


On 11-1-2011 18:46, JoH asenau wrote:
> The rule of thumb should be:
> 1. be_layout affects single pages ONLY.
> 2. be_layout_next_level affects a branch of subpages ONLY
> unless there is
> a) a be_layout value of a single page of that branch
> which will change the layout of this particular page or
> b) a be_layout_next_level value for a subbranch of that branch
> which will change the layout for all pages of this subbranch
> 3. no automatic inheritance of layouts unless you triggered them
> by using be_layout_next_level

Thanks for the explanation.

I reordered the logic a bit because I had to read it several times 
before I understood the code. Also added a bit of CGL stuff.

+1 by reading and testing v2

Once it gets committed will you take care of the documentation of this 

Kind regards / met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert
msn: jigal at xs4all.nl
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