[TYPO3-core] RFC #16911: Restructure of t3lib_utility_Mail hook subscriber

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Mon Jan 10 19:17:44 CET 2011

Jigal van Hemert schrieb am 10.01.2011 15:12:
> Hi,
> On 10-1-2011 12:55, Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] wrote:
>> To make it sure that it parses correctly, I made a quick unit test
>> for the parseAddresses method.
> I wonder how far we should go with being RFC2822 compliant in this
> little helper function. [1] describes the address lists in RFC822 (the
> predecessor), but it is rather complex if we want to support all features.
> ATM we can't handle
> "Lastname, Firstname" <name at example.org>, another at example.org

That's true, I thought we needed just the situations that come from
t3lib_htmlmail, where "From" is just combined:

   $this->add_header('From: ' . $this->from_name . ' <' .
$this->from_email . '>');

But of course mail() might also be called (by extensions) directly with
some addresses which might not even be RFC conforming.

There is a pretty complete PEAR class which parses RFC mailboxes
already: Mail/RFC822.php [1]. Since we cannot trust on PEAR "Mail" being
present, we must ship this functionality with the core. Licensing is
"New BSD License" [2]. This seems to be compatible with the GPLv2, as
this doesn't include the old "advertising clause" that the made the
original BSD license incompatible with GPL (see [3]). Right?

Adding that and adding more complex mail-addresses (like the one you
mentioned), made everything green again in the unit tests. Check it out
in the attached v3.

Note: It's a shame that we still need to support
t3lib_utility_mail::mail(), but of course we need to, because we cannot
expect everyone to start using SwiftMail from the start. But in 4.5 we
should then deprecate:

- t3lib_htmlmail
- t3lib_utility_mail::mail
- t3lib_mail_rfc822addressesparser

So that we can remove those all together in 4.7.


[2] http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
[3] http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/bsd.html
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