[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed regression in linkvalidator

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Wed Feb 23 23:25:11 CET 2011


there was a regression in linkvalidator that was fixed in
4_5 rev 10615
trunk rev 10616

Linkvalidator used a static function of em to include labels for javascript.
I removed this wrong working function from em.

Both was wrong - never use a function from em if you are unsure that em 
is installed. Never remove a function without deprecate it. The later 
was my fault, so i reimplemented the function and deprecated it.
Linkvalidator was fixed to use the correct function.

Both patches were also committed to linkvalidator and em repositories.

We will need a new release soon (4.5.1a), will be done in the next day(s).

vg Steffen
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