[TYPO3-core] RFC #17544: FIRST_INSTALL has no effect when typo3conf is not writable

François Suter fsu-lists at cobweb.ch
Mon Feb 21 10:06:10 CET 2011


> Problem:
> In r8023 the FIRST_INSTALL file has been introduced which allows for
> easier install by creating the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL the first time.
> However, when the typo3conf directory is not writable, this fails
> silently, causing the user to see the message no ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL is
> found.
> Solution:
> Add check if the typo3conf/ direcotry is writable. If not, display a
> notice.

I don't see the difference with or without the patch. I still get the 
same error message. I suppose you have copied it from another place. I 
think the patch is basically correct, but the message needs to be 
changed. It is too technical at that point. Newcomers to TYPO3 should 
not be bothered with technical details about some file that needs to be 
created. Attached v2 does this.

That being said, I'm not sure this is such a good solution. If the 
proper rights are not set anyway, you don't much further: after having 
changed the rights to "typo3conf", you get an error about "typo3temp" 
not being writable. The real solution IMO is to check upfront that all 
necessary folders and files have the proper rights and inform the user 
about problems. This way the user is bothered only once with this access 
rights stuff.

I'm not sure if such a change would be acceptable in the 4.5 branch. I 
think it should be done as it is the basis for the current Introduction 



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch
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