[TYPO3-core] RFC #12998: Bug: add icons for MS Office 2007 Documents

Steffen Ritter info at rs-websystems.de
Sat Feb 5 18:12:33 CET 2011

Hello Tobias,
thanks for your contribution.
Anyhow, your solution is not appliaple to the mentioned versions.

The array you are updating is not used anymore in core TYPO3 Backend. 
Furthermore the styling of the icons does not match the current skin.

As you are adding new Icons, this only can go into trunk (have a look at 
our maintainance-policy[1]).

For the versions 4-4 and 4-5 I'd suggest you bring up a patch for 
t3lib/class.t3lib_iconworks.php only. It defines an array 
($fileSpriteIconNames) mapping fileExtension to SpriteIconName. There 
you could add/suggest new file-Extensions mapping for the types you 
already mentioned.

Fur trunk (4.6) we could add new Icons, too. If you feel encouraged to 
build up new icons which match the styling of 
typo3/sysext/t3skin/images/icons/mimetypes we could add them there.
This would (on sprite regeneration) automatically make these icons 
available as "mimetypes-fileName" spriteIcon which you afterwards could 
map as mentioned in t3lib_iconworks.php.

If you need this for a running site. I would say: Create an extension, 
include all icons there, register them as told in the sprite-manual [2], 
and then "adjust" t3lib_iconworks::$fileSpriteIconNames = array_merge( 
t3lib_iconworks::$fileSpriteIconNames, array('docx' => 
'myregisteredicon')) in your ext_tables.php. <<<--- this is not tested, 
but should work imho.



[1] http://typo3.org/teams/core/resources/maintenance-policy/

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