[TYPO3-core] Incubator troubles

Peter Niederlag typo3-list at niekom.de
Thu Dec 1 14:34:52 CET 2011


Am 01.12.2011 12:01, schrieb Jigal van Hemert:
> Hi,
> On 1-12-2011 10:59, Peter Niederlag wrote:
>> until here this looks "perfect"...
>>> =======PULL==========
>>> After that I tried a pull (just like I do for the normal Core)
>>> and this seems to be the cause for the 322 or so commits.
>> Can you post the exact command you use?
> git.exe pull -v --progress     "origin" master

Alright... Well... you are pulling in changes from another branch
("master") here! This is VERY different from a plain 'git pull'! This is
NOT like you said ("pull", "one commit"), this is "integrate all changes
from master into my branch"!

If this is what you want ("Integrate all changes from master branch into
my branch", then this is fine and we can proceed talking about how this
should be done.

In this case (Incubator and integrating changes from master branch) you
should NOT use rebase but perform a true merge!

Advice: Always add an explicit --merge or --rebase to your pull command
so we can really be sure it does what we want without having to look
into your config/setup.

As your branch has commits, that are not on master, but that are already
pushed into your branch in the Incubator you DON'T want to rebase! Just
use 'pull --merge origin master' or as i'd prefer 'git merge origin/master'.

Then push and keep adding more commits to you branch.


> Nowhere in the Incubator info on forge was info that something should
> be changed.

The missing piece of information was that you explicitly pull "master".
It is not a a matter of configuration but a user decisions. ;)


If you dont want to integrate changes from master then please let us
know what you want to do....
and DON't pull master. ;)

Greets and hth,
Peter Niederlag
http://www.niekom.de * TYPO3 & EDV Dienstleistungen *

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