[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15711: Render ModuleMenu with ExtJs, remove the frameset

Stefan Galinski sgalinski at df.eu
Thu Sep 16 21:34:42 CEST 2010

Steffen Kamper wrote:

> Type: Feature
> BT Reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=15711

Hi Steffen,

Here is my test report like I promised you. :-)


The patch is really nice and improves TYPO3 a lot. Very good work!

Note: All testing was made with Fx 3.6...

## Testing Issues ##

## PageTree ##

- "MountAsTreeRoot" context menu option does nothing
- "Hide/Unhide" via context menu does nothing
- "Edit" via context menu option does nothing
- "Cut&Copy&Paste" via context menu does nothing
- "Delete" via context menu does nothing
- "MoreOptions->Access" opens with wrong URL (subdirectory issue?)

Hint: Often thrown in FireBug console "top.content.document is undefined"

## FileTree ##

- Most options in the context menu are broken

## TopBar ##

- sys_action: Actions are opened in a new window instead of the right frame

## ModuleMenu ##

- Icons are restricted in size now (@see EXT:makeWrong)
  - IMHO this is acceptable...
- collapsing of sections causes some strange css effect with the child 
elements... (they are jumping some pixels to the right)

## Reading Issues ##

- Let us start with our good old friend: Mr. CGL ;-)
  - e.g. in "typo3/classes/class.modulemenu.php"
    - missing whitespaces after "if" and "foreach"
    - missing whitespaces after .
    - commented code
    - some comparisons not written as strict comparisons
- removed AJAX methods should be removed from the list in 
- "backendsizemanager.js" should be removed if it's not needed anymore and 
maybe also the regarding debug console events
- there are still some "console.log" calls

## Notes ##

1. Why have you moved the ModuleMenu instance outside of the "TYPO3" 
namespace (ModuleMenu.App)?

Stefan Galinski
staatl. geprüfter Informatiktechniker

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