[TYPO3-core] RFC #15611: Feature: Translations of CEs are immediately visible in FE

Lina Wolf liste at linawolf.de
Wed Sep 1 10:59:50 CEST 2010

> We could have that all configurable so that every one can tune it like
> they want, or we could simply have usability experts give us an advice
> on how it should be (not configurable). We would then be sure all
> installations work the same, which is also nice for editors working on
> different sites.
HI Ernesto,

Why is this an "or" we should have the best usability option by default 
but have it configurable in case complicated Enterprise CMS have a 
different need. Otherwise you can be sure some people will start xClassing.

Liebe Grüße Lina Wolf

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