[TYPO3-core] RFC #16318: Enable FlashMessages to fade out after delay

Ingo Renner ingo at typo3.org
Wed Nov 10 20:16:25 CET 2010

Am 09.11.10 11:40, schrieb Steffen Gebert:

Hi Steffen,

> Solution:
> This change introduces two new methods for t3lib_FlashMessage:
> * setDisappear()
> * setDisappearDelay()
> which make a t3lib_FlashMessage ExtJS-driven.

without having had a look at you patch yet...

I agree with you, and originally it was even planned to make them 

However, here's what I had in mind:
Fading flash messages out would only be possible for messages with 
severity "OK" or below, not for "Warning" and "Error" though, these must 
not be missed by a user.
It would also not have required an API for that as it would have been an 
automatic built-in behavior. - It doesn't make a lot of sense and might 
even be confusing if some "OK" messages disappear while others don't 
because the developer just didn't use or care about adding the API call 
you proposed. Another reason for inconsistent behavior would be old code 
which hasn't been updated to use the new API calls.

Does that make sense to you, too? If you do, I'D be happy helping out 
changing it that way...


Ingo Renner
TYPO3 Core Developer, Release Manager TYPO3 4.2

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