[TYPO3-core] RFC: #15184 Generation transparent images with GMENU fails

Mathias Schreiber [wmdb >] mathias.schreiber at wmdb.de
Tue Nov 9 13:17:45 CET 2010

Hi Steffen,

> it's only a problem, with
>  > $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['gdlib_png'] = '0';
> isn't it?
> With gdlib_png=1 I always have pink background (but not transparent..?)

Umm... for some reason... no.

> With gdlib_png=0 I get a black image (I think that's the bug).

Black?!? Are you using my TS setup code?

> ImageColorExact returns -1 (color not in palette), while
> ImageColorClosest returns 0 (black). Okay.. but the problem remains: The
> whole image is still black, even with ImageColorClosest (yes, tempfile
> deleted). I think this is not desired, isn't it?

My current tests are:
v4.4.4 plain
gm 1.1.11 (maybe fuckup is here somewhere?)
gm LZW path is empty (or here?)
TS setup:
page = PAGE
page.20 = COA
page.20 {
   10 = IMAGE
   10.file = GIFBUILDER
   10.file {
     XY = 500,300
     backColor = #FF00FF
     transparentBackground = 1
     10 = TEXT
     10.text = PNG = 0 changed code
     10.offset = 1,100
     10.fontSize = 30
     10.niceText = 1
Sidenote: in general I suggest changing (!) the TS code for the tests to 
circumvent caching issues. See in the images I posted below.

Following tests performed:
a) gdlib_png = 1 && not patched
Transparent PNG generated (artifact border kinda weird, but hey.. it's 

b) gdlib_png = 1 && patched
Transparent PNG generated (artifact border kinda weird, but hey.. it's 

c) gdlib_png = 0 && not patched
Transparency fails (that's the bug I'm refering to)

d) gdlib_png = 0 && patched
Transparent GIF created, artifact borders look WAY better than on PNG

> Please CGL before commit!

good point. Will attach fixed patch when this thing here is done :).

If this results in some strange IM5 vs. IM4 vs. IM6 vs. GM behavior I 
vote for dropping IM support in general since it only brings PITA :)

hope these infos help.


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