[TYPO3-core] RFC: Feature #14383: Integrate hooks to backend.php to perform several customizations

Susanne Moog info at susannemoog.de
Fri May 28 19:25:05 CEST 2010

On 26.05.2010 14:06, Oliver Hader wrote:
> Hi Benni,
> Am 22.05.10 22:44, schrieb Benjamin Mack:
>> Hey Olly,
>> personally, I like the way the executeHook is used, to have a cleaner
>> code to maintain, however I have two problems with that way:
>>  * It's hard to ship any hookConfiguration for one of these three hooks
>>  * It's totally different than all the other places where we used hooks.
>> So, I'd probably rather stick to "the old way" for now. What do you think?
> I've created the new patch with the possibility to call executeHook()
> with an additional parameter to define hook configuration and passed the
> created contents to the hook function in the renderPostProcess hook.

I like the patch a lot, only thing I'd like to ask is: The executeHook
method is now general enough that it can theoretically be used from
everywhere - if we'd use something like this->scriptName for the global
hook identifier:

$options =& $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS'][$this->scriptName];

We would then just need a standardized way to define which hook
identifiers are available per script.

(just wanted to point this out before we start copying the executeHook()
method from class to class)

If you consider this irrelevant at the moment just ignore the comment
and read only the following line:

+1 by reading ;)



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