[TYPO3-core] RFC #14490: New Backend design

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Fri May 28 18:52:03 CEST 2010

Hey Joey,

does your -1 still apply?

  * all CSS3 - data: base64 things are resolved.
  * no additional "hacks", just the ones we had before.
  * CSS3 used only for shadows, gradients, and rounded corners. All with 
nice fallbacks for non-compatible browsers, ready to go. There is *no* 
break in functionality because of CSS3. I personally like it the way it 
is now (technology-wise).

As for all CSS3 stuff, I'm glad we have discussions to reach maximum 
backwards-compatibility, and keep the high standards with TYPO3 but 
still can enhance the TYPO3 backend big time.

So, I think CSS3 is fine as long as there is no big change for the IE 
users. Same goes for the PNG fix btw, which we have in the backend since 
4.2. So, I see the same reasoning here, however the "fallback" is not 
that it takes longer to load (as with the PNG fix) but that the design 
is missing.

We basically now have five options:

  * Keep CSS3 styles, and have the fallbacks for IE (doesn't recoginze 
the CSS3 statements)
  * Keep CSS3 styles, add a separate stylesheet for IE and have it there 
done with backgrounds etc
  * Make everything with backgrounds, additional markup may be needed.
  * Add the missing CSS-features dynamically through JS (if possible) 
for the browser who don't support it.
  * Remove the CSS3 styles, not going with any of the new visual 
features from the designers

All the best,

On 27.05.10 09:39, JoH asenau wrote:
>> * Uses modern techniques like CSS3 gradients, multiple backgrounds,
>> data-uris, etc.
> -1 for CSS3 stuff, because the least common denominator supported by TYPO3
> is still IE6
>>     Fallback definitions have to defined during RCs as soon we can
>> destinguish between browsers
> -1 because you already know that you will need fallback definitions - you
> should remove any stuff that needs a fallback OR use the fallback for each
> browser instead of the so called "modern" stuff to avoid a maintenance
> nightmare
>> * Doesn't look nice in IE (but works!). Please test in a modern
>> browser to see all goodies,
>>     which work out of the box (as already mentioned, fallback will come
>> later on). Reference: FF3.6
> -1 for applying a patch now that doesn't work for all supported browsers
> yet. Experience from the past shows, that many things won't be fixed before
> the next stable release and you all remember what happened to IE8 users last
> time.
> After all this is about having a so called "enterprise level CMS" that has
> to work for ALL of it's users and not about implementing fancy stuff just
> because it can be done with a browser that simply doesn't exist for many of
> those enterprise users.
> We already discussed similar approaches before, and they completely
> contradict the goals of the Backend Code Cleanup team. So I really would
> appreciate having a final decision about the way to go, before we go on
> implementing fancy CSS3 stuff.
> Thx
> Joey

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