[TYPO3-core] RFC #14490: New Backend design

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Fri May 28 13:26:23 CEST 2010


in general +1 by reading and testing.
I already reviewed it before patch was on the list, and sure there will 
be some follow-ups for glitches. All in all the skin looks and feel 
great, awsome work. So thanks for the high energy you put in this task.

One major criticism - i already mentioned it to SteffenG:
The page tree selection is inline-block, which makes it really strange 
looking for very short page names or very long ones. Module menu also 
has block selection, and i would change it in page tree simular.

One minor: the su text in toolbar is very hard to read (red color on 
dark brown). i suggest to lighten the red.

vg Steffen

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