[TYPO3-core] RFC #14490: New Backend design

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Thu May 27 15:08:46 CEST 2010

>>> IMHO data-uris are okay for few-byte-graphics. Defining a fallback
>>> is also no problem.
>>> This saves HTTP requests for browsers, which can deal with it.
>> Wasn't that the reason for using sprites? Less requests because the
>> sprite was loaded once? So, do we really need data-uris?
> We can't use sprites for CSS backgrounds and in a few other places.
> Sprites only work for icons 16x16.

Of course you can use sprites for multiple backgrounds with sizes other than
A vertical gradient can be easily implemented as a sprite for all elements
with a limited height.
Same for horizontal gradients and limited width.
You can even create sprites with lots of different sizes in one file - it
just depends on the "mapping" information.

And to answer Jigal's question: We do not really *need* data-urls but it
*could be nice* in some cases, because they *might* increase performance a
bit. But since there is no need and they do not work at all in IE6 and just
partly in IE7/8, IMHO we should not implement them yet.



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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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