[TYPO3-core] RFC #14490: New Backend design

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Thu May 27 13:56:00 CEST 2010

Am 27.05.2010, 09:39 Uhr, schrieb JoH asenau <info at cybercraft.de>:

> -1 for ...
Good that I expected this before from you.

>>    Fallback definitions have to defined during RCs as soon we can
>> destinguish between browsers
> -1 because you already know that you will need fallback definitions - you
> should remove any stuff that needs a fallback OR use the fallback for  
> each
> browser instead of the so called "modern" stuff to avoid a maintenance
> nightmare
Okay, let's stay in the last millenium till 2014. Come on, you always need  
some different CSS for IE.

>> * Doesn't look nice in IE (but works!). Please test in a modern
>> browser to see all goodies,
>>    which work out of the box (as already mentioned, fallback will come
>> later on). Reference: FF3.6
> -1 for applying a patch now that doesn't work for all supported browsers
> yet. Experience from the past shows, that many things won't be fixed  
> before the next stable release and you all remember what happened to IE8  
> users last time.
Your support is welcome! But you already announced that you and your  
cleanup project will fix the issues, didn't you..


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