[TYPO3-core] RFC #14490: New Backend design

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Thu May 27 13:48:44 CEST 2010

Am 27.05.2010, 09:00 Uhr, schrieb Susanne Moog <info at susannemoog.de>:

>> Notes:
>> * Uses modern techniques like CSS3 gradients, multiple backgrounds,
>> data-uris, etc.
>>   Fallback definitions have to defined during RCs as soon we can
>> destinguish between browsers
> Why use data uris, gradients and other CSS3 stuff at all when we need to
> define the fallback solution for IE anyway? Especially data uris are
> extremely ugly IMHO, additionally for gradients we need to use
> non-standard browser specific notations (so we have to actively manage 4
> CSS commands for 1 gradient [webkit, mozilla, CSS3 default, background
> image for IE]). I think that's overhead that is not necessary.

I know, it's not the best to have multiple definitions. But we also have  
this for some IE filter stuff.

I also don't share opionion that modern browsers should run with old tears  
for ages, because of stupid IE users.
IMHO data-uris are okay for few-byte-graphics. Defining a fallback is also  
no problem.
This saves HTTP requests for browsers, which can deal with it.


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