[TYPO3-core] RFC #13604: Bug: Concept of registering extbase BE modules causes massive php warnings with php version >= 5.3

Marc Bastian Heinrichs typo3 at mbh-web.de
Tue May 25 22:59:41 CEST 2010

This is an SVN patch request.

Type: Bugfix

Bugtracker references:

TYPO3_4-3 & trunk

The extbase backend module dispatcher and extbase modules are registered 
as values of the global array $TBE_MODULES.
Class t3lib_loadmodules expects that the values of this array are 
strings (commaseparated lists of submodules).
The dispatcher and the extbase modules add values of the type array to 
this array, which causes massive php warnings.

unset $TBE_MODULES['_dispatcher'] and use an special array key for the 
extbase modules, which could also be unset in t3lib_loadmodules as it is 
done with $TBE_MODULES['_PATH'].

Correponding issue in extbase tracker
Jochen will take care to apply the extbase patch right after the core 
patch was applied.
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