[TYPO3-core] RFC: #14396: Warn when KEEP_FILE is set

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Sun May 16 14:16:50 CEST 2010


On 16.05.10 01:46, Steffen Kamper wrote:
> this is SVN patch request.
> Type: bugfix
> Branches: trunk
> BT reference: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14396
> When the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file contents "KEEP_FILE" it won't be deleted.
> Show flash message in setup when this is set.
> Disable the delete button (submit would create an error)

-1 for the current implementation.

That's why:

* The warning messeage renders the warning every time, even if the setup
was called just to change passwords.

* Although it works it looks strange to me that the introduced
properties are protected, but are used in a not protected context

* although there is the warning, I find it strange that the button looks
the same (even if it's disabled). Btw. even with Steffen Geberts patch,
the mouse cursor still turns into a pointer when hovering the button.

I suggest to not render the flash message, but render a warning sign on
the disabled button with a tooltip that contains the text of the flash

The protected properties should get a public getter which should be
called from the outside.

Regards Helmut

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