[TYPO3-core] RFC #14348: Fix some link targets in the Install Tool

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Wed May 12 09:09:19 CEST 2010


On 11.05.10 08:41, Patrick Broens wrote:
> On 10-5-2010 18:05, Steffen Kamper wrote:
>> Doctype is correct, but using transitional would solve that without
>> loosing valide html.
> With Javascript you can get the same without hiding the actual
> validation error with a transitional doctype

Really? JavaScript for such an easy thing? I fully agree with Steffen
and Lars here.

>> What is more important: userfriendly interface or nice looking xhtml
>> strict html source?
> I'm still in favor of a strict xhtml source for new markup. Using a
> transitional doctype only hides the errors, and still does not solve it.
> W3C states there is NO target attribute in XHTML, only in the XHTML
> abstract module.

XHTML is going to die. Why use a standard which has almost no relevance
in practical experience[1].

I would use HTML5 doctype, if I'd go for something new. I'm pretty sure
this will be the defacto standard in the (not so far away) future.
Additionally XHTML strict markup perfectly validates with a HTML5
doctype plus we could use some fancy additional features (like target
attributes in links).

just my 2 cents

Regards Helmut

(This is of course not a very reliable source, but I'm pretty sure it
reflects the overall trend)

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