[TYPO3-core] RFC #14307: fe_user passwords are visible in the info popup window in the backend

Lars Houmark lars at houmark.com
Wed May 5 01:06:12 CEST 2010

Hi Philipp,

Philipp Gampe wrote:
> +1 testing and reading on trunk

Thanks for reading and testing. Also the other RFC's by me you did today ;)

>> Notes: I went through all core calls to the
>> t3lib_befunc->getProcessedValue function and all of them is for display
>> only, meaning change of the password to asterisk values cannot have any
>> side effects.
> I hope so. I did not made any further testing regarding that function.

Well. To elaborate more, the function description goes as follows, so if 
someone calls the function for data value in fields, they are misusing 
the function imho - and just for the records - within the core I found 
no such use:

* Returns a human readable output of a value from a record
* For instance a database record relation would be looked up to display 
the title-value of that record. A checkbox with a "1" value would be 
"Yes", etc.

Lars Houmark

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