[TYPO3-core] RFC #14277: Improve t3lib_compressor

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Sun May 2 13:24:24 CEST 2010

Am 02.05.2010, 02:50 Uhr, schrieb Steffen Kamper <info at sk-typo3.de>:

> Hi,
> just from first test: something is messed up with prototype. I get JS  
> errors and toolbar does not work

Arg.. scriptaculous because of its shitty scriptaculous.js?load=whatever
You (Steffen) know, this already bugged me last night ;-)

I changed this now, to not use the ?load=, but to simply add the file as  
you do it with every JS file.
Benefits: It works as good as before, could simplify  
t3lib_div::createVersionNumberedFilename() (which needed the second  
parameter only because of scriptaculous) and now we have control over the  
files - and can gzip them.
Now only 397K!

I couldn't encounter any problems or errors now - did some more serious  
testing than I did last night, I have to admit.

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