[TYPO3-core] RFC #8305: SQL debug output is not shown in the Backend

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Sat May 1 15:11:39 CEST 2010


here is the last bug-free version. It reduces the amount of written DOM, 
the closer tab is moved into viewport and works also after cumulated 
tabs. The tabs are scrollable if they are floating, so you see latest 
tab always.
When open a frame in new tab the output is printed to document. However 
this isn't perfect yet, as it's after typo3-fullDoc. To get it visible 
you have to manipulate the cess of this in FB (height is set to 100%).

This glitch can be corrected as follow-up, so imho this version is ready 
to commit. However, please re-test.

vg Steffen
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