[TYPO3-core] RFC #14719: Automatically create ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file when 1-2-3 Install Tool is used

Helmut Hummel helmut at typo3.org
Sun Jun 20 19:22:10 CEST 2010

On 20.06.10 17:34, Steffen Ritter wrote:
> +1 reading and testing, with one small addition:
> as Helmut pointed out you cannot submit the database credentials.. so
> just check if we wanna step after the db entries too

This does not work. Now you can step out of the 123 mode even if you
provide wrong (or no) credentials.

I think discussing longer on this is waste of time. The security impact
is really minor and only is there if the install takes place on a freely
available (production) server which is discouraged anyway (security wise).

I hereby give my +1 by reading and testing for Jeff's initial proposal,
if the FIRST_INSTALL file will _NOT_ be provided in the dummy package
but only in the introduction package.

I guess everyone is happy now? :)

Regards Helmut

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