[TYPO3-core] FYI: Further Release Planning 4.4

Stefan Geith typo3dev2010.nospam1 at geithware.de
Thu Jun 17 10:14:14 CEST 2010

Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
>> - I will revert any TCEforms changes we made so far regarding the skin
>> as I consider the current changes there as unstable (in terms of the
>> HTML structure).
> I welcome that because currently TCEforms look too flat: fields are all
> together and not separated. It is hard to work efficiently with such flat
> layout. There must be some more work on visual layout and logical separation.

True. I have 2 cutomers, working (and testing) on a Test-System
with 4.4-trunk: they are totally confuced...

Also palettes and inline-records look very ugly and unstructured.
I'm sure this can't (and shoudn't) be done until 22/06; so this
is a project for 4.5

And then there could be resolved some other annoyancies:
- e.g. more flexible possitioning of Input-Elements
- e.g. better input for single fileuploads (maxitem=1)
- even an improved DB-Browser would be nice
- many others...
Maybe we should do some brainstorming at T3DD10 ?


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