[TYPO3-core] RFC #14354: Bug: fix percentage of changes in Workspace Manager -> "Show differences inline"

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jun 14 19:57:18 CEST 2010


Christian Kuhn schrieb:
> On 06/14/2010 04:58 PM, Steffen Kamper wrote:
>> +1 by reading and testing.
>> As Benni already mentioned, a new label has to be created, i did in v2.
> Thanks Steffen for handling this one, it was on my list, I just ran out 
> of time (and I'll be pretty silent for the next 7-9 days, too).
> To this issue:
> Imho a new label is pointless in this special case: The %%% was already 
> a sprintf substitution, just a wrong one. The label call wasn't changed, 
> too. So changing the label in this case wouldn't do any harm, if older 
> TYPO3 version get the corrected label. I can check this theory 
> explicitly with older versions again, if wanted, or just ignore this 
> detail as it's now committed anyway. Does it make sense to spend more 
> time on this?

label call was changed - see capitol C in label_percentChange (sry, 
forgot to attach the patch)

We need this new label as the translations will bring same error again. 
Now the translators are forced to translate new.

You don't need to spend more time on this ;)

vg Steffen
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