[TYPO3-core] RFC #14467: Code cleanup: t3lib_iconWorks::getIconImage is not needed anymore

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jun 14 00:04:49 CEST 2010


Steffen Ritter schrieb:
> Am 24.05.2010 21:26, schrieb Steffen Ritter:
>> This is an SVN patch request.
> attached v2 taking bennis whish for another deprecation call into account

i fear this has to be reverted until following isn't solved:

getIconImage($table, $row = array(), $backPath, $params = '', $shaded = 

1) given $params has to be converted for getSpriteIconForRecord. Second 
now expects an array:
   'title' => 'dsfsdf',
   'id' => 'xyz',
   'style' => 'align="top"'

before a string was passed with additional htmltags. This has to be 
parsed and passed in options array

1b) What is with styles, many calls use align, i think this can be 
dropped. But with others like position etc?

2) $shaded is a flag to get a grey out array. What happens there?

vg Steffen

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