[TYPO3-core] RFC #14545: [No Title] shown when editing a record on root level

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Mon Jun 7 13:45:29 CEST 2010

Am 07.06.2010, 13:15 Uhr, schrieb Reinhard Führicht <rf at typoheads.at>:

> For pid == 0:
> - Create new "[tablename]" on root level
> - Edit [tablename] "[title]" on root level
> For records:
> - Create new [tablename] on page "[pagetitle]"
> - Editing [tablename] "[title]" on page "[pagetitle]"

Okay, you quite convinced me :)

But I'd say there are a few things left:

* screenshot: It's quite a monster text, not a short headline...
   CE title seems to be cropped, Page title not.
* I'd leave the "Edit Pagecontent.." out and just write "Pagecontent xy on  
page yz".
* When no Header is set, the CE title is "Edit Pagecontent "[No title]" on  
page "xy". Could we handle this as a special case and just write  
"Pagecontent on page "xy""?
* Regarding Joey's idea with the ID: I would leave it out of the title, as  
it doesn't read nice, but would also like to somewhere show it.
What about down below the TCEform, maybe on the right side? Only the  
symbol of the CE type and "Pagecontent [--id--]" (like it's currently  
shown on the upper right, but without the title).

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