[TYPO3-core] RFC #14545: [No Title] shown when editing a record on root level

Susanne Moog info at susannemoog.de
Mon Jun 7 12:58:30 CEST 2010

On 07.06.2010 12:49, Reinhard Führicht wrote:
> Am 2010-06-07 12:44, schrieb Susanne Moog:
>> On 07.06.2010 12:24, Reinhard Führicht wrote:
>>> - You create/edit a record. On top of the page, the title of the page
>>> will be shown. I'm not interested in the title of the page the record
>>> will be stored on. I can see it by searching for the highlighted page in
>>> the page tree. I want to see something like "You are editing the record
>>> xyz" or "You are creating a new xyz".
>> Sorry, but I am interested in where I am when creating content or new
>> pages, as especially after a search or when having multiple TYPO3s open
>> I have sometimes no idea where I currently am - and searching for a
>> highlighted page in a 4000+ pages pagetree where the highlight isn't
>> necessarily visible because the parent is closed is not an option.
>> susanne
> When editing pages or records and when creating records, you will always
> have the current path in the upper right corner. When creating a page it
> is wrong, but that another issue (http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14605).
> So you will (nearly) always know where you are.
> But more importantly, why should the information about the page I am
> currently on the shown as such a big headline on top of the form?
> First of all, I want to know WHAT I am doing, the I want to know WHERE I
> am doing it. The page path in the top right corner should take care of
> the WHERE part, but the WHAT is currently neglected totally, if you ask me.

ok, you convinced me. As long as the page path on the upper right stays ;)


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