[TYPO3-core] RFC #14545: [No Title] shown when editing a record on root level

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Mon Jun 7 12:41:08 CEST 2010

>>> I propose the following solution to fix not only the problem the
>>> original poster of the bug pointed out, but to provide a more
>>> general solution for the "headline chaos":
>>> When creating a new record, the label will be: Create new
>>> [tablename] When editing a record it will be: Edit [recordtitle]
>> Sorry for the delay, Reinhard.
>> It's not the solution as desired. The page title should always be
>> printed out on top of TCEform.
> Why is this the desired solution? What's the advantage of displaying
> the page title there (without any further descriptive label)?
> In my view, this only confuses users, even confused me until I figured
> it out. If you ask me, it makes no sense to display the page title
> there. 


> - You create a new page inside the root page (not pid:0, but the page
> "Home" of the website). On top of the page the title of the parent
> page, in this case "Home". Why would this be a desired solution?

> - You create/edit a record. On top of the page, the title of the page
> will be shown. I'm not interested in the title of the page the record
> will be stored on. I can see it by searching for the highlighted page
> in the page tree. I want to see something like "You are editing the
> record xyz" or "You are creating a new xyz".

>> Think we should just hide [No title], when we're on pid 0 or create a
>> new page - or are there other cases, too?
> I guess not.


Take a look at this one, which might be related: 




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