[TYPO3-core] FYI: Update caching framework to its according FLOW3 revision 4443

Christian Kuhn lolli at schwarzbu.ch
Mon Jun 7 03:56:49 CEST 2010

FYI: Attached patch was committed to trunk rev. 7828

Type: Consistency fix to FLOW3

Branch: trunk

BT: http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=14638

This patch syncs code and tests of the caching framework in v4 trunk 
with latest FLOW3 rev. 4443.

Sum up of changes:
- Lots of annotation, documentation and cosmetic changes
- $this->identifierPrefix calculation in memcachedBackend moved to a new 
setCache() method that overwrites the according method from it's 
abstract class
- $this->cache->getIdentifier() is now called in setCache() of 
abstractBackend, the value is now always accessible with 
$this->cacheIdentifier in all backends
- Fixed the identifierPrefix calculation in apcBackend
- findTagFilesByEntry() in memcachedBackend doesn't fail if glob() 
returns false

Two tasks are still pending:
- The new pdoBackend in FLOW3 is not backported yet
- The new phpFrontend together with the phpCapableBackend are not 
backported yet. This will change a lot of code in the fileBackend, too.

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