[TYPO3-core] RFC #13750: Bug: Several GIFBUILDER features broken for IM4, IM6 and GM

Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] lists.typo3.org at digilog.de
Fri Jul 9 10:00:35 CEST 2010

Steffen, Jigal,
that sounds great!

If you consider using and commiting the unit testing posted in this 
thread, please consider my addition to it, which I repost below.

Cheers, Jörg.

----- snip -----
Joerg Wagner [DigiLog] wrote on 01.06.2010 12:39:
I recommend adding some more cases to the unit testing of the affected 
In [1] I gave some examples that were not treated correctly by a 
proposed patch at that time. These patterns should be checked by the 
testcases to stay on the safe side in the future:

// Multiple blanks in a quoted parameter
t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames("aa 'bb cc dd' ee")
: array =
   0: string = "aa"
   1: string = "'bb cc dd'"
   2: string = "ee"

// Non word chars in a parameter
t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames("aa bb()[]!;cc dd 'aa bb()[]!;cc dd'")
: array =
   0: string = "aa"
   1: string = "bb()[]!;cc"
   2: string = "dd"
   3: string = "'aa bb()[]!;cc dd'"

// Single quotes may not close double quoted strings and vice versa
t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames("'aa bb\" cc'")
: array =
   0: string = "'aa bb\" cc'"
t3lib_div::unQuoteFilenames("\"aa bb' cc\"")
: array =
   0: string = "\"aa bb' cc\""

Sorry that I do not provide the modified testcase patches myself, but I 
still have to get acquainted with this unit testing stuff (and will 
probably do so soon).
----- snap -----

schrieb Steffen Kamper am 09.07.2010 09:56:
> Hi,
> we will force testing these issue on next BugDay. As there is some work
> needed anyway (Jigal took the leadership) this one has to be tested in
> several environments.
> Jigal, could you prepare a set of bugs + patches to be tested next
> bugday regarding IM/GM?
> vg Steffen

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