[TYPO3-core] RFC #11221 : Feature : Separate firstname and lastname columns in fe_users table

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Thu Jan 21 12:19:14 CET 2010


Dmitry Dulepov schrieb:
> Hi!
> On 2010-01-21 12:00:01 +0200, Benjamin Mack said:
>> well, my problem is that, like in tt_address, we now have a superflous 
>> field, "name". It confuses people where to write the name in there, in 
>> "name" or in "last_name"? How about only having
>>   * name (which usually is used for the last name and also could hold 
>> the combined name for backwards compatibility)
>>   * the new field "first_name" (in a palette to "name")
>>   * the new field "middle_name" (in the same palette)
> I cannot say that old field is used for the last name only... I saw it 
> used for "Firstname Lastname".
> I prefer freedom in this case:
> - have a combined "name" field
> - have separate fields for first, middle and last names for applications 
> that need them
> Having "name" for "last name" causes confusion because "name" is not the 
> same as "last name".

I agree. Also: the fields are used in FE only, so it's up to the 
application how to use them. It app use name it should work in same 
manner as before. If it use the first/middle/last it's up to the 
extension to use a hook filling name field, like tt_address does.

Also any extension can change the labels or visibility for their need.

vg Steffen

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