[TYPO3-core] RFC: #12874: Tool>Log date fields does not work

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Tue Jan 19 17:40:00 CET 2010

Hi olly,

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Actually, Benni and me could not reproduce the mentioned bug in a plain
> TYPO3 installation. Maybe other extensions/skins override the default
> behaviour?
> I'm going to review and test this patch and will post my votes
> concerning 4.3 then. However, I still need some more information about
> how to reproduce the behaviour.

for me it happens all the time as entering the date and loose focus the 
page is reloaded. That makes it really hard to enter what you want.
Sure, you come to a result if you enter everything very disiplined, but 
its far from any other input in other mods and far from usability.

> One thing in the patch that I'm concerned about are the TYPO3_CONF_VAR
> settings like ['SYS']['ddmmyy'] and the hardcoded order of the date
> segents in the new parseDate() function.

this is taken from tceforms where the format is done the same manner. As 
long as the jsvalidation of tceforms only knows 2 kind of formats we 
have to stick to that. We should change that in 4.4 and provide an API, 
but that's another issue.

vg Steffen

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