[TYPO3-core] RFC: Bugfix #12688: MM relations: rollback not working / sys_history wrong

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Thu Jan 14 20:06:44 CET 2010

Hi again,

Am 14.01.2010 01:53 schrieb Tolleiv.Nietsch:
> One thing I can't see is how you're handling the processing which is
> happening in the remap-Stack.
> The question I have in regards to that is - should the history-entires
> keep references to old (remapped) records?

I think it shouldn't and I think it wouldn't after applying the patch,
since sys_history for MM records will only be built for an 'update' as
status. And as far as I understand and played around, this shouldn't be
the case... but must admit that this jugdement is too difficult for me
to be just sure of and I might just not think of / know / imagine every

Possible scenarios I can imagine and haven't tested:
- IRRE with MM (though not the "preferred" way for IRRE),
- Various situations regarding workspaces... (I'd think that there's
always potential for bugs, as soon as more than one record or files
is/are affected, which could be easily or rather obviously is the case
- IRRE with workspaces (but this isn't supposed to work flawlessly
anyways as for 4.2 - hasn't changed for 4.3 , has it?)
- ... more? I'm sure there is.

> - the rollback might break
> lot's of stuff in these cases...

Fully agreed. And therefore shouldn't happen.

So how to deal with this? As far as I'm concerned I'd rather take the
risk of introducing a follow up bug than not to fix the obvious one...

But hey :) Asking you guys and this list just seems to be the perfect


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