[TYPO3-core] RFC #5779: Hide dotfiles such as .svn in filelists

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sat Jan 9 15:51:14 CET 2010


Am 07.01.2010 14:42, schrieb Bernhard Kraft:
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> simply don't delete and show a flashmessage "Folder can't be deleted
>> because it is not empty." In windows you get a simular alert too.
> But using your suggestion of not being able to show hidden files (and thus
> not being able to delete them), you would disallow(!) a normal user of
> deleting directories containing hidden files - which is not wanted
> behaviour in my eyes.

If I take the example of .svn that is exactly the wanted behavior as you
wouldn't want a normal user to delete a folder under version control.
It's most likely versioned because devs/admins use it and contains
things like TS that should not be touched by normal users... So I don't
really see a problem with disallowing it...

Best regards,


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