[TYPO3-core] RFC #5779: Hide dotfiles such as .svn in filelists

Steffen Kamper info at sk-typo3.de
Mon Jan 4 19:35:29 CET 2010


Bernhard Kraft schrieb:
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> hidden files are never usable (with some very very rare exceptions).
>> The only one you ever need is the .htaccess
>> So - simply hide all hidden files except .htaccess for ever, no
>> checkbox, no setting.
> Then one question arises which was already a problem when this patch was
> posted more than a year ago:
> What should happen if you delete a directory which contains hidden files
> (so any hidden file except .htaccess). Two options:
> * Inform the editor there are hidden files so he can't delete the directory.
> * Delete the directory ignoring the hidden files/subdirs

the first. Its same behaviour in windows when you try to delete a folder 
with hidden files - denied.

> Generally speaking this is a bit of a problem. As normal Unix user if you
> do an "rm somedir" and there are still (hidden) files in the directory you
> can chdir to it and remove them. If there are hidden files you still can do
> an "ls -la" - so showing also hidden files is not very rare in my opinion).

wrong comparison ;) working on console is admin tool on filesystem. We 
are talking about filelist in an application which is used by non-admins.

So i stick to the solution hiding all dotfiles without htaccess, see 
Dmitries reg exp.

vg Steffen

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