[TYPO3-core] RFC #13095: Massuploader: Max file size is shown in KB

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Sun Jan 3 15:16:25 CET 2010

Hi Steffen,

no, you can modify the max_file_size, 20MB is just the default upload limit.

See the documentation of the method getFlashConfig():

  * the configuration variables that can be set from outside (via 
uploadUrl etc) are set directly in the FileUploadWindow instance
  * here we merge these variables from the outside with the default 
configuration set in the swfDefaultConfig
  * and return a new config object that SWFupload can use and manipulate
  * We decided to use camelCase parameters and parameters prepended with 
"upload" so it is
  * better to understand than the existing SWFupload parameters

Basically, the upload limit is even modified in typo3/file_list.php:189 
to reflect the real upload limit we have in this installation.

All the best,

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