[TYPO3-core] RFC #13379: Sprite Icon API

Thomas Allmer at at delusionworld.com
Tue Feb 23 01:18:40 CET 2010

On 11.02.2010 23:58, Steffen Gebert wrote:
> Am 31.01.2010, 18:03 Uhr, schrieb Thomas Allmer <at at delusionworld.com>:
>> On 31.01.2010 17:37, Steffen Ritter wrote:
>>> Thomas Allmer schrieb:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> This is a SVN patch request.
>>>> Type: Feature
>>>> Bugtracker references:
>>>> http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=13379
>>>> Branches: Trunk
>>>> Problem:
>>>> Currently the icons are single image files which results in a lot of
>>>> requests and can't be changed by css only.
>>>> Solution:
>>>> The attached patch introduces an API for the use of sprites with icons.
> I overworked your patch and removed most of the CGL glitches.

adopted a little more;

- now every pagetype has a different icon for "not in menu"
- give the possibility different timing overlays[1]
- used type hints where possible
- fixed some stuff in the doku headers
- fixed typo in "iconOverlayPriorities"

didn't fix "Passing mixed values (string or array) to a method should 
not be used" by Oliver Hader as I still think that

t3lib_iconWorks('apps-...', 'My power app');
is nicer to write than
t3lib_iconWorks('apps-...', array('title' => 'My power app') );

However an easy fix if needed.


[1]: == Timings proposal ==
[page is hidden but will be shown in the future; possible red clock with 
green outer lines]

[page is hidden but was shown in the past; possible red clock]

[page is shown but will he hidden in the future; possible green clock 
with red outer lines]
| Thomas Allmer                   |   http://www.delusionworld.com    |
| E-mail: at at delusionworld.com    |   phone: +43 699 16217064         |
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