[TYPO3-core] FYI: Fixed bug #13310: htmlArea RTE: Additional Inline Elements issue with overlapping ranges

Stanislas Rolland typo3 at sjbr.ca
Mon Feb 22 01:59:32 CET 2010

FYI: The attached SVN patch was committed.


"If you have Additional Inline Elements in use, there occurs a bug when 
you create overlapping text styles. For example, when you mark the word 
“Strong” out of an example text “StrongItalic” and set it as Bold. 
Afterwards you pick the whole text “StrongItalic” and choose it to be 
italic. The RTE will reload immediately and all unsaved changes are gone."

It seems that range method surroundContents is getting buggy in all 
browsers. Opera used to have the bug, now Firefox. Work around it.

The attached patch is a partial fix, in the sense that it fixes the 
issue in Firefox, but a similar issue exists in IE8. However, IE ranges 
are completely different and the issue is much more difficult to trace 
down as IE simply crashes and the error does not seem to be catchable.

Bugtracker references:

TYPO3_4-3 (revision 6962)
trunk (revision 6963)

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