[TYPO3-core] RFC #14195: Reorganize the backend stylesheets

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Fri Apr 30 17:13:51 CEST 2010

Am 30.04.2010, 16:02 Uhr, schrieb François Suter <fsu-lists at cobweb.ch>:

> Hi,
> What a beast to review ;-)
Thanks for taking your time ;-)

> - you removed this whole line from NEWS.txt:
okay.. now advertised the new feature

> - I now have a small shift in the alignment of group fields in various
> configurations, see attached screenshots. This is minor compared to this
> whole patch and could be corrected afterward, but I don't want this to
> be forgotten.
good catch. fixed

> - also I discussed with Fabien (who was sitting next to me) the issue
> with the stylesheets being loaded in alphabetical order, which seems a
> bit arbitrary. Fabien said that you meant that this didn't have an
> impact. It still seems a bit dangerous if some CSS file does some resets
> and happens in the middle of all the files.
I don't see the need. Why should we define the same thing two times (in  
When we want to change the style for h1, we modify the current setting. No  
need, to overwrite anything in another file.
If we want to modify the h1 of a specific module, we add #body-index-php  
h1 { } which is more specific and will be used instead of the generic one.  
No need to care about any order.
So.. I still don't see the need. If you see it, just explain it (IRC  

v4 attached to BT


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