[TYPO3-core] RFC: #13797: Move checkbox "secondary options" to users module

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Tue Apr 13 16:32:38 CEST 2010

JoH asenau schrieb am 13.04.2010 15:53:
>>> any news here?
>> Thanks for reminding, Benni. Sorry, my work started with the simple
>> change and then ended with a concept of being able to set any
>>   moduleData setting through the users module. And then the bug day
>> was over, and the patch was not 100% finished. :)
>> So what's the "deadline" for this new feature? Is feature freeze
>> today??
> I don't think it's a good "feature".
> Original reason was:
>> It makes much more sense to move the checkbox "secondary options" to
>> the user's settings module. This will also make the BE a bit cleaner
> Why does it make more sense and under which circumstances?
> Usually I can enable/disable secondary options quickly when necessary.
> This is done within the BE module that I am currently working with and this
> is how it make sense.
> Need to see secondary options? => Check => Do something => Do something else
> => Don't Need them anymore => Uncheck => Go on
> I guess people do not really want to additionally switch to the user
> settings each time during that "workflow" just to have a "cleaner" backend:
> Need to see secondary options? => Go To User Settings => Check => Save => Go
> back => Do something => Do something else => Don't Need them anymore => Go
> To User Settings => Uncheck => Save => Go on
> Usability is not just about the look of an interface but about the working
> speed you can gain from it as a power user as well.
> So -1 for this patch because IMHO it is not necessary at all.

Ok, I have also never had the desire to turn the secondary palettes on
or off during the regular workflow. Either I have them shown by default
(which is what I usually do) or not (a regular editor which can
concentrate on the most important fields).

Since this is the last "checkbox" we have below each editing form, I
think it would be nice to move it away.

Maybe you are mixing it up with the "extended view" checkbox in the list
module? This one I usually turn on / off during my workflow and is
untouched by this patch.


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